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Our Quran Tutor teaches the Arabic Qaida course, a fundamental course using the Arabic Qaida curriculum.
You may learn to properly recite the Qur’an more swiftly and simply than ever before by working with trained Quran instructors.
You may learn how to memorize the Holy Qur’an and become a Hafiz/Hafiz of the Qur’an through live memorizing classes.
Online Ijazah is available from competent Quran scholars who specialise in “Quran Recitation” and/or “Quran Memorization.”
You may learn Quran Tafseer online and comprehend the Quran better with the assistance of the finest Islamic and Quranic experts.
Islamic Education Academy is an online school that offers Quran classes to anyone, wherever in the world. With the help of knowledgeable, reputable teachers from the Islamic Education Academy, we want to offer the best comprehension of Basic Quran Reading, Quran with Tajweed, Quran Memorization, Tafseer e Quran, and Quranic Arabic on one platform. Nowadays, learning the Qur’an online is not an issue at all because you may choose to have access to qualified online Quran tutors.One of the top websites for online Quran study is Islamic Education Academy.On any computer, tablet, or mobile device, you may learn the Qur’an online. With the aid of thorough knowledge of Tajweed, comprehension of this esteemed text, and Quranic Arabic, our main focus is on imparting the best Quranicinterpretations.Due to their dedication to students and ongoing attempts to improve it over time, Islamic Education Academy has consistently reached new heights in a very short period of time. We want to include as many students as we can in the charitable deed of Hifz al Quran.The best part here is that we have both male & female teachers. You can choose any of them depending upon your convenience. In addition, you don’t have to worry at all about course timings. We have different class timings, you may choose what suits you the most. Furthermore, we would provide you with course material access and access to your relevant teacher. With lifetime access to course material, you can keep growing, working on and improving your Quranic Language.
Learn the Holy Quran Online at ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY. Learning the Quran fundamentals including the correct pronunciation of words alphabetically and grammatically. Our Quran courses outlines have been designed in such a way that the reader learns to read Quran with fluency and correct tajweed.
To worship Allah is the prime responsibility of a Muslim to demonstrate their faith and strengthen their belief in him. Doing good deeds is a most important trait of a good Muslim; which is why online Quran classes for kids help them read Quran with deep devotion and understanding of its meaning is the highest deed to seek Allah’s pleasure. Why your child needs a Quran Academy? Online Quran classes in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia are available online where knowledgeable Quran teaching professionals deliver you the best services honestly. An online Quran tutor will shape the minds of your children to read the Quran as they should. Allah will reward your children and us if they act like true servants of Allah.
Our Quran Programs include:
ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY makes Holy Quran and Tajweed easy, it is the necessity of the younger generation to learn the basics of Islam and become successful in this world and hereafter. With Quran Oasis, our purpose is to demonstrate the skills of our online Quran tutors and Islamic Scholars who will help you learn Quran Tafseer online and make your Quran learning incredibly easy with online Quran teaching on Skype. What we aim for is to create a truly world-class top Quran and Tajweed academic online where students and people of any age can learn to read the Quran and comprehend the Quran from the comfort of their homes.
Learn Quran for Kids at Quran ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY , provides online Quran classes for kids. Our Quran tutoring services are primarily focused on Kids. We also provide Quran classes for adults and beginners for both ladies and gents. We have a team of reliable, kids-loving, and expert Quran tutors making it super easy to Learn the Quran Online.
In the past, people traveled great distances to learn Quran. Now, learning Quran has become very easy and affordable. Keeping in view our track record and experience, we are one of the best academies to learn the Quran online. In our courses, our focus is on Tajweed hence we teach Quran online with Tajweed-specific rules. Our Quran for kids service provides parents a cost-effective & efficient way to learn Quran.
With us, your Kids will learn Quran with tajweed fairly quickly, Insha-Allah.
Quran is the word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). It is very important for Muslims to learn how to read Quran and understand to succeed in both worlds. Our beloved last Prophet (ﷺ) said:
اقرءوا القرآن فإنه يأتي يوم القيامة شفيعًا لأصحاب
“Read the Quran, for it will come as an intercessor for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection” (Al-Muslim)
يركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
“The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Quran and teach it” (Al-Bukhari)
The above two hadiths show the importance of learning the Quran. An important point in accomplishing this is to ‘learn Quran in the correct way. There are certain rules which guide the correct reading of the Quran called ‘Tajweed‘ which is explained more below.
Learn ten Qirat online at Quran Oasis with the best teachers online from Egypt. Quran ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY facilitates interested students with this opportunity. Let’s have a short introduction to these ten Qirat. In Quran, Qira’at literally means the readings, and terminologically means the method of recitation of the Holy Quran. Traditionally, there are 10 recognized schools of Qira’at, and each one derives its name from the famous reader of the Holy Quran recitation. It is necessary to understand what are the 10 Qirat before you join to learn ten Qirat online.
Ten Qirats are not like different voices and different styles, rather there are slight differences in pronunciation, letters, and Harakat. It is like comparing two different books of the Quran and you find differences between them. To know this clearly, we need to go back to the times of the Prophet (PBUH) and Islamic history. People in the times of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were illiterate, and they have their own dialect of their own tribe like any other language. Like in the case of English British and Americans. It has differences in spelling and pronunciation. The same was the case for that time that they have different dialects of Quraish which was the tribe of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), a dialect of Yaman, a dialect of Hudair, and many more. These dialects have slight differences but without change in the meaning.
Within the Qira’at, there are two categories:
There are 7 Mutawatir Qira’at:
1) Nafi’ (d. 169/785)
2) Ibn Kathir (d. 120/737)
3) Abu ‘Amr ibn al-‘Ala’ (d. 154/762)
4) Ibn ‘Amir (d. 154/762)
5) ‘Asim (d. 127/744)
6) Hamza (d. 156/772)
7) al-Kisa’i (d. 189/904)
There are 3 Mashhur:
1) Abu Ja’far (d. 130/747)
2) Ya’qub (d. 205/820)
3) Khalaf (d. 229/843)
Learn Noorani Qaida at ISLAMIC EDUCATION academy . Noorani Qaida is the basic book to understand Quran. Kids can learn Qaida noorania easily with the help of the teacher. The book has basic necessary chapters to understand the different words, following tajweed rules. This makes it an easy approach for non-Arabic children to learn Arabic letters in the initial stage.
Noorani Qaida course is very basic and the first step to learning Quran for all beginners whether kids or elders. It makes learning Quran very easier. Muslims across the world learn Noorani Qaida to build a foundation for learning Quran. It has many useful exercises which include Quranic words and verses.
Noorani Qaida is one of the fundamental booklets that comprehends the essential Tajweed for the Holy Quran and contains all the important lessons for Quran recitation. The book starts with the Arabic Alphabet and gradually leads the student from simple to complex letters, Quranic Ayah, and the rules of Tajweed. It is the conventional method to learn Quran in the Non-Arab world. It covers the following:
It is available in 17 chapters. We will teach how to read the basic letters in the beginning with proper pronunciation. After completing each lesson of Qaida Noorania, you will get a chance to revise it again. The readers normally can be kids, adults as well as females. You will understand the rules of tajweed. Arabic Qaida is an Islamic book for beginners. It will give you the strength of going towards Quran learning with complete knowledge. It is a supportive book for learning Quran in a proper way.
Learn Quranic Arabic at ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY Institute. If you’re truly dedicated to fully understanding all of the teachings within the Quran, then you’ll absolutely need to learn Quranic Arabic to do so.
While this religious text has been translated into other languages—including English—you lose out on some of the intricacies of the meanings if you don’t read it in the source language. This is one of the most important reasons to learn the Arabic language to understand the Quran.
So, what exactly is the best way to learn this special form of Arabic? You may be a little overwhelmed at the prospect of learning an entirely new language just to read the Quran, but it’s easier than you think.
Follow these tips to improve your overall learning experience and success:
Learn Reading Quran at ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY Institute by qualified Quran teachers with long experience in teaching Quran and Arabic online.
ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY teachers will teach you Arabic alphabets, their sounds, and shapes, compare similar letters and how to differentiate them, learn to read letters with short vowels (harakat ie fatha, dammah, and kasrah), learn long vowels (mudod ), and learn how to match letters to read.
The student will also learn the different forms of letters when they are written at the beginning of the word, in the middle, and at the end. The student will be able to tell the difference between similar sounds close to (ص, س), (ض, د) (ق, ك), and (ت, ط). He will also know how to pronounce heavy and light letters.
Moreover, students will be able to read the Quran correctly. He begins by reading many examples and ayat chosen in the Holy Quran, then he goes to the Mushaf Book and begins to read the Quran until he perfected the reading, then he moves on to the next stage which consists of reading the Quran with Tajweed.
Learn Quran Memorization at ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY with scholars from Al-Azhar University, considered one of the most prestigious universities in the Islamic world. Learn the meaning of the verses and the reasons behind revealing them. Build your understanding of Allah’s recitations so that you can apply them to your everyday life and exemplify the principles of being a good Muslim.
In the Muslim community, the Hafiz who have taken the time and effort to memorize the Quran are some of the most respected leaders and intellectuals. Those who have completed this great task are called upon for their advice, interpretations, and guidance.
There is no age or education level necessary for a Quran memorization program. Rather, it should be undertaken by those who want to deepen their faith and reap the benefits in this world and the next.
Learn Tajweed Rules at ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMy Institute by highly-qualified teachers.
Tajweed means to make beauty in reading. It means to pronounce every letter correctly with all its qualities.
The rules themselves can be studied independently, but their correct application can only be done by listening to, reciting to, and being corrected by, a qualified teacher of the Qur’an.
Unfortunately, many do not know proper tajweed. In the days of the Prophet, peace, and blessing upon him, there was no need for the study of tajweed because they talked with what is now known as tajweed; in other words, it was natural for them. Now, over 14 centuries later, colloquial Arabic has changed radically from the Classical Arabic with which the Qur’an was revealed, and Arabs have to study tajweed, just in the same way that non-Arabs do.
Learn the Arabic Language at ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACADEMY Institute with personalized 1-on-1 native teacher support.
The complete study of classical Arabic involves several sciences, all of which are covered in our tutorials. Here you will find tutorials and useful exercises that will improve your reading (قراءة), writing (رسم الخط), pronunciation (تجويد), lexicology (لغة), and vocabulary (مفردات), grammar (نحو) and syntax, morphology (صرف), etymology (اشتقاق), rhetoric (بلاغة), poetry (عروض).
The Arabic language is counted among the most important languages worldwide. More than 300 million people in over 20 countries speak Arabic. This Afro-Asian language originated several thousands of years ago. Originally only spoken on the Arabic peninsula, it later became widespread. There are many different Arabic dialects. Many of the dialects are very different from standard Arabic. Speakers from different regions often do not understand each other at all. Ancient Arabic is hardly spoken today. It exists most notably in the written form. Interest in Arabic has increased in recent years.
Many people find the Arabic writing system especially fascinating. It is written from right to left. If you want to learn Arabic, you must do so in a particular order. First the pronunciation, then the grammar, then the writing system. If you stick to that order, you will most definitely have fun while learning.
professional Quran teacher